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Top 5 General HOA Rules

In an HOA-managed community, there are certain rules that need to be followed, and usually, these are strictly implemented, which means you could either get sanctioned or fined/penalized, or worse, kicked out.

HOA Rules

What are some HOA rules? Here are the most common or what are generally included in the Homeowners Association Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs):

1. Fees

This is one of the first things that will catch your eye when going over your contract to buy or rent a property within an HOA-managed community. Fees are collected from every homeowner on a predetermined schedule (monthly, quarterly, annually or other specific schedule). The fees may cover basic maintenance and repair, emergency funds, and other expenses. It’s important to check exactly what the fees are for and if there are other fee obligations that homeowners may be required to pay on a given situation or circumstance.2. Property maintenance

HOAs are quite specific about property

maintenance, both the exterior and interior of the property. There are certain restrictions regarding what you can put or plant on your front yard, what shades of paint you can use on exterior walls, garage gates, and every other detail that the HOA may feel necessary to control and oversee.

3. Animals

If you’re a pet owner, it’s important to check restrictions regarding pet ownership. There are some HOAs that rule against owning large dogs, certain types of animals, and such. There may also be specific spots in common spaces where pets aren’t allowed so check these as well. Fees may also be collected for your pet’s “share” on property maintenance expenses.

4. Household size

Another important item to check on the CC&R is household size or the number of occupants allowed per home. Some only allow a family of four plus one pet, others more, and others even less. Sometimes, there are also restrictions on the number of overnight guests (yes, surprisingly). Usually though, household size is determined by property size so basically, a bigger house may be allowed to have more occupants compared to a smaller-size house.

5. Cars and parking

HOAs have rules about car ownership, too, and in general, it has something to do with parking and garage. Basically, if your property only has a one-car garage, then one car is all you’re ever going to be allowed to own or at least park in your garage because curbside parking isn’t allowed.

There are just five of the HOA rules that are generally included in CC&Rs. There are more that you may need to thoroughly check and review.

7 Frequently Asked Questions About HOAs

In the United States, more and more homes are becoming members of homeowner associations (HOAs). HOAs ensure the maintenance of shared spaces in neighborhoods, as well as provide amenities such as health clubs, parks, swimming pools, child playrooms, and more.

As not everyone understands what an HOA is, however, we’ll be answering 7 of the most frequently asked questions about HOAs in today’s article.

1. What is an HOA?

In real estate development, the property developer sets up a non-profit organization known as an HOA for marketing and selling homes in a residential area, as well as developing and managing the community. The homeowners vote in the HOA’s board of directors, which makes sure the association abides by the non-profit or corporation laws of its state.

2. How much will be being part of an HOA cost?

On average, HOAs charge a monthly fee of around $125. However, dues vary depending on your community’s location and what niceties your HOA provides. HOAs of townhomes or condominiums may charge more as fees will likely incorporate insurance and the maintenance of the building’s communal spaces.

3. Is it necessary to pay HOA fees?

Yes; even if you don’t avail of the community’s shared amenities, you are obliged to pay fees from the moment you occupy a home belonging to an HOA.

4. What kind of rules must I follow in a community belonging to an HOA?

HOAs create rules designed to encourage homeowners to take good care of their homes and communal spaces. Others help maintain the consistency of the neighborhood’s appearance and ambience. Examples of rules include prohibitions against littering, excess noise, unkempt lawns, and the keeping of dangerous animals.

5. What if I break the rules or fail to pay HOA fees?

Late payments or other infractions are often handled quietly, usually via courteous notices that are issued by mail or in person to the homeowner. Continued violations will incur additional warnings before the HOA decides to take more drastic measures.

6. How are rules enforced by HOA boards?

The association will work with you to settle any contentious issue but may be forced to pursue legal action in extreme cases. Until issues are amicably sorted out, an HOA may put a lien on your home.

7. Will HOA charges influence how much money a bank will lend me?

Yes, lenders take into account considerations such as insurance, taxes, and HOA fees, which will determine the amount of money a bank will loan you.

If you have any questions about HOAs or HOA regulations, please feel free to contact So Cal Property Enterprises, Inc. through its corporate website, or give us a call at 951-270-3700. We’d be glad to hear from you!

4 Ways HOA Management Is Evolving

In real estate development, the property developer establishes a corporation known as a homeowner association (HOA) for managing, marketing, and selling lots and homes. To fulfill their many duties in an efficient manner, associations often enlist the services of HOA managers.

Over the years, HOA management has grown into an expansive industry that constantly finds itself adopting new techniques to meet new challenges as they crop up. For this reason, the industry has steadily evolved with the times. In today’s article, we’ll be examining the 4 major ways HOA management is evolving.

1. Flexible and creative problem-solving

HOAs often must contend with complex, time-consuming bureaucratic processes. Property management enterprises can ease this burden by being flexible, creative, and proactive problem-solvers.

Effective HOA management companies are constantly looking for ways to respond to every individual association’s unique needs. They examine concerns from various angles and determine methods of solving problems that don’t interfere with current operations. This way, managers can help associations become more efficient at making decisions and taking action.

2. Focus on people and relationships

Because dealing with homes is an extremely personal issue, HOA management is essentially an industry revolving around people and the relationships built with them. It’s therefore of utmost importance that managers can understand how human emotions and motivations factor into people’s needs and decisions.

Today, property management companies assess managers for their certifications, experience, personality, and ability to preserve smooth relationships with others, then match them with the appropriate associations for the best results.

3. Providing exemplary services

To succeed, HOA managers must do more than just offer basic services such as giving business advice and administrative support; they must also provide guidance and insight to help associations develop more robust communities. For example, today’s most distinguished managers can come up with innovative ideas designed to enhance community engagement and help homeowners get the most out of their homes. Such managers can be expected to do far more for HOAs than low-tier companies will.

4. Focus on long-term relationships

The best management companies often seek to build long-term relationships with HOAs. This is because reputable property managers aim to assist associations with their multiple obligations and make great efforts to keep up with and evolve with the HOAs they’re working with. Such companies perform a range of services, from the obvious to the less noticeable, and ensure every facet of your business is given the attention it deserves.

If you have any questions about HOAs, please feel free to contact So Cal Property Enterprises, Inc. through its corporate website, or give us a call at 951-270-3700. We’d be glad to hear from you!

Property Management Services: What You Need to Know

Property management is the process of managing real estate available for lease and involves overseeing routine operations such as collecting rental payment and looking for potential occupants for a space. The property manager often manages another entity or party’s property.

It’ll take more than one article to discuss everything property management entails, but today, we’ll be discussing the major types of services property managers provide.

1. Property assessment

Property managers examine properties inside and out and prepare necessary documentation about their findings. This allows them to determine what repairs or improvements the property may need to enhance the monthly rent while ensuring good ROI. They also do extensive research to figure out a fair yet desirable rental rate for the property.

2. Marketing

Managers are responsible for creating marketing and advertising campaigns designed to inform people about available properties and encourage them to rent them. They also cooperate with realtors, communicate with potential tenants, ensure properties are as alluring as possible, and more.

3. Tenant selection

To determine if a potential tenant is the ideal candidate to lease a property to, the manager investigates their background to confirm their identity, credit history, income, and other pertinent details.

4. Dealing with tenants

Managers help tenants move into and out of properties, collect rental fees, and evict those guilty of infractions. These processes require a lot of paperwork, communication with the tenants, and in the case of evictions, coordination with law enforcement and the court.

5. Inspections

Properties require regular inspections to ensure they’re in good condition and free of possible hazards. Managers also look out for lease and code violations.

6. Maintenance

In case properties need repairs or remodeling, managers provide and supervise various maintenance crews. They establish policies designed to prevent repairs and determine when repairs are required. They build a network of trusted contractors and assign tasks to the right people. They’re also responsible for clearing outdoor areas of trash, debris, leaves, or snow.

7. Assistance with legal issues

In case of litigations or legal disputes, managers provide owners advice and refer them to qualified attorneys.

8. Assistance with financial matters

Managers provide accounting services, document expenditures, make annual financial reports, and more.

Of course, property managers provide such a wide range of services that the above list is by no means a complete list of their responsibilities and duties. If you’re eager to know more information about property management, please feel free to contact So Cal Property Enterprises, Inc. through its corporate website, or give us a call at 951-270-3700. We’d be glad to hear from you!

So Cal Enterprises Answers Three Most Common FAQs About HOAs

So you’re thinking of moving into a smaller house, or you’re looking into buying your first-ever home, and it happens to be in a developed community. Naturally, one of the major “stumbling blocks” to making the move is the HOA fee that you’ll be paying monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, depending on the HOA’s fees collection schedule. You have to make sure that you can afford the HOA dues on top of your monthly expenses. This is but one of the many other concerns regarding homeowners associations that home buyers look into to help them with the decision-making process.

And if you’re a home buyer with similar concerns, these answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about HOAs might be able to help you:

1. Can I check the HOA’s CC&Rs before buying a property?

Yes, you may and should check the HOA’s CC&Rs before buying or even renting a property. CC&Rs are the homeowners association’s covenant, conditions, and restrictions that every homeowner must adhere to, and these include everything that “dictates” each homeowner’s stay in their property, from dues to be collected to standards for maintaining the front lawn and the exterior of the house, and such.

For transparency purposes, the HOA’s CC&Rs must be fully disclosed to the buyer/renter BEFORE closing the deal. If these aren’t made available to you before closing the sale/deal, this is a red flag you shouldn’t ignore.

2. What factors should I check regarding HOA fees?

There are three general things that you should check regarding HOA fees, and again, it’s better to perform this routine check before buying/renting the property to avoid future issues. The three things you should check are: fees too low, fees too high, and homeowners’ rate of compliance.

Briefly, an HOA fee that’s too low might mean that the HOA isn’t collecting for emergency repairs and maintenance, or other improvements, which means that when these needs arise, you may be asked to pay an additional fee. On the other hand, if the fee is too high, you might not be able to afford it for the long term, which could mean an accumulation of unpaid dues that could result in a dispute, or worse, foreclosure.

And finally, the homeowners’ rate of compliance on payment of HOA dues can immediately tell you whether or not the HOA’s finances are in dire straits. If 15% or more of the homeowners aren’t paying, it could mean that the HOA’s financial standing is in the red.

3. Should I still pay HOA dues even if I have no plans of using the pool and other common areas?

Yes; fees are implemented on every homeowner regardless of whether or not common areas and facilities will be used. As a homeowner, you are expected to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of these common areas.